Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our New Baby!

Wow! I just realized that another month has flown by (accompanied by a long blogging absence from me)! May was a busy one... field trips, school picnics, new calves, branding and of course photographing this busy busy life. One thing that has taken much of our attention over the past few days (rightfully so!) is our new little Lucy. We took her for a little hike yesterday and her first picnic.

Introducing Lucy...

I must admit she has stirred up the sibling rivalry a bit!
And good old Willie thinks she's a bit much. But he's being very tolerant of his new little sis.

Oh she's fun! I think we'll soon be past the middle of the night potty breaks and the constant "It's MY turn to hold her!" (maybe I'll get a chance) ... afterall we just found out we have a litter of kittens on the way!

Monday, May 4, 2009

horse whisperer

I was gathering our things yesterdy morning and suddenly realized it was quiet. This always means something is up... Emma is never quiet for long. I wondered where she was. I peaked out the door and this is what I saw...

Thank goodness my camera was right next to me!