Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Viva Mexico

After a day and a half of travel... boats, taxis and planes, including a missed connection which resulted in an extra overnight, we're back! After a moments reflection, YES it was worth it!

There were moments when we weren't sure... picture an exhausted 3 year-old running under the barrier into a "restricted area" and throwing herself down on the floor for a full volume melt down.

Anyway, we are past that now and when I think back to the gorgeous beaches, warm sun, colorful villages and amazing people I would do it a million times over again.

I'm just starting to download pictures so check back for more of Mexico soon!

1 comment:

myra said...

I am mexican, living now in Italy, I saw your blog and work, and I like it very much.
If you are curious, you see my blog:
and my site

and by the way i am a painter but I like to write also, only unfortunately my english is not so i write in french, italian, spanish, and portuguese. it depends , i thimk on my humour of the day...
