Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Be Thou My Vision

Last week I was part of a women's retreat in Bend, Oregon called "Be thou my vision". We explored God's purpose for our life. Pretty huge, and SO important! It was an amazing few days... we all felt that God hand-picked us to be together at this particular time. I think everyone came away from this experience together permanently changed and even more in tune with the Spirit. Early each morning I took a hike with 2 of my new friends Beth and Erin (both amazing photographers!). Of course I brought my camera along one morning and captured these images. I feel more at peace just looking at them!

I want to thank Jane Johnson for putting the retreat together, it was amazing!

I miss you all already!


Heather Thorne said...

Beautiful photos Mery! Makes me wish I'd brought mine! :( So glad I met you and I haven't forgotten our conversation when I left. I'll be following up with you. ;) Hugs!!

Unknown said...

Love these photos! I didn't capture anything like this and I was walking the same path...

You're in my thoughts.

be thou my vision said...

What beautiful photos those are! Really amazing..